Friday, January 22, 2016

Very Confusing WOD

I finished the WOD, and I still don't totally know what it was. First we did clean and jerks every minute on the minute for 10 minutes. I got up to 65 pounds. It was an Oly thing (which I have no idea what that means), but you weren't supposed to lift your max weight. Because we came back to the clean and jerk at the end after the WOD.

WOD (I guess): 12 minutes
15 toes to bar (I did knees to chest)
10 deadlifts
5 snatches
I did 4 rounds plus 3 t2b (or k2c)

I only lifted 45 pounds in the deadlift, but that was because that was all I could reasonably do in snatches.

Once we finished the 12 minute WOD we had 6 minutes to lift our max in clean and jerks. I did 80 pounds, which I felt OK about, until this one guy was saying he did 3x that much and thought he should have gotten a little more.

There's a mammoth blizzard coming east today-tomorrow. But it's going to be south of me. Which is a little disappointing on one hand, because a little snow on a Sat would be nice. But I'm scheduled for a hike tomorrow, so that will be nice too hopefully :)

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