Monday, January 25, 2016

"At least you're not going to hurt yourself"

All my lifts sort of look the same apparently. One of the instructors told me that we had switched the type of lift we were doing, and I was still doing the last kind. I was like, "Oh, I get a little confused sometimes." To which he replied that my mechanics were fine, and I wasn't doing anything that would hurt me. Well, there's a new standard met!

We started with strict press today, and then moved to push press. I really want to bend my knees and push during the strict presses, it's hard to just lift. I wound up getting up to 55 pounds on the strict press, and 75 on the push. 2 in a row at 55, but just one at 75. I was happy :)

WOD: 8 minutes
5 Clean and Jerk (I did 35 pounds)
10 box jumps (I used the girl sized box, but stepped)
5 rounds plus 4 lifts

WOD 2: 5 minutes
3 hang squat cleans (I did 45 pounds)
6 toes 2 bar (I did knees to chest)
6 rounds

I'm getting the swing action in the toes to bar/pullups and it's kind of fun! I can't combine that with bringing my toes to the bar, or pulling all the way up, but I can swing around like a fish 36 times without too great a problem.

I'm taking a class on Leadership for my doctorate. Because I didn't get enough on that in my MBA. Everyone else in my group wanted to meet Sunday mornings at 9:30, every week. Don't they have lives? It's only 9 weeks, so I can't complain too bitterly, and they all seemed cool and not crazy. But still!

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