Saturday, January 2, 2016

Mt. Major

I did my first winter hike today, Mt. Major, which I had done before in the summer/fall. As I was looking at my fitbit numbers, I was like "why don't I keep track of these hikes too?" I mean, a lot of people try to do the 4,000 footers in NH, or the "52 with a view," maybe one day I will be inspired, and will want to know what I did. This is becoming much less of a running blog, and more of an exercise blog. Fortunately The Lazy Cretins is perfect for that, but maybe I should change some of the other deets.

Anyhow, my first time hiking with microspikes and it was AWESOME! Usually hiking in NH you have to worry about rocks and tripping over things, etc, but with the snow that was less of a problem. And, with the microspikes I didn't slide around. The only tricky part was going down a steep and rocky area - always a little hard for me - I butt scooted. I really liked winter hiking way more than expected! Fewer noisy people, and it that nice peaceful that you get with the snow. Mt. Major is a really nice hike, not too high or hard, and great views. It was a little harder doing the winter hiking, but all and all a good first time out.

Next weekend I'm signed up for a 10 mile hike with a meet-up. I have to decide if the winter boots are broken in enough for it. Today's hike was only 4 miles and I was feeling it at the end, but next weekend's will be flatter.

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