Monday, January 4, 2016

No Chance for Smugness

There were no NY resolution people today at Crossfit, except that there is this new class for NY resolutioners that meets twice a week for the month, so I guess they were there. But, the class was at 7 and I did the 5:30, so I didn't get to see them and feel smug. And, in today's L1/L2 class I was still pretty much last. I just have to accept it.

They're having a Hallow Rocker challenge. Today we did 10, they are adding 10 a week for the next 10 weeks. Ouch. I could do 10, probably even 20, but...  In March I will dying.

Today we started with a complex lifting EMOM for 10 min:
Power clean
Front squat
Split jerk
my max: 70 pounds

Of course I had to google all the lifts before I went, and I still didn't totally remember what they were during the workout. I had to watch someone else. I did remember from last week that I can front squat 70 pounds.

WOD: 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
Squat clean (I lifted 45 pounds)
Double unders x5 (I just jumped rope x10)
17 minutes, average hr 148 bpm, 13 minutes in peek cardio zone.

I couldn't remember if this lift was the white/light lift, so I did a 15 pound barbell with 10 and 5 pound weights on each end. That way if it was too much, I could just take the 5's off, not change the whole thing. It was heavy for me, but I did OK.

Today was the first day back at work. It was KILLER getting up. At 9 I made myself get out of bed and go, I was thinking about working from home, but I knew I actually had to get stuff done. And, it had been over two weeks since I was there. At least I could wear jeans, and no one cared that I was an hour late - I really do love my job!

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