Friday, January 8, 2016


Today was a Local Area Network or LAN meeting. It was at Tufts Medical/Dental school, and was actually pretty awesome! There was a panel of admissions deans who talked about what they would like to hear about in the letters that we write. I took a ton of notes. Then there was networking, which I suck at, so I sat with someone who I kind of knew. There was another presentation, and then a tour of the medical and dental schools! I love touring the schools. I learned that the dental students practice their first shots of Novocain on each other. They must have like a two week window where everyone walks around thinking they are drooling. Anyhow, the meeting finished early, and so I was able to go to the 4:00 crossfit.

We started with deadlifts. We did 2 lifts at a time, I got up to 145 pounds. But I lifted it 4 times!

WOD: 3 rounds
Row 500 meters
15 thrusters - I did 35 pounds
21 pull-ups
my time 19:49 average hr 121 bpm

I forgot to set my fitbit to time the workout, so it recorded a little after. I did 7 pull ups, with a band, that weren't that bad. The other 56 were not that good. For the last 21 I used 2 bands, and I still had to take a break!

Tomorrow I'm going on a 10 mile hike in my winter boots. It's supposed to be a pretty flat hike. I hope it won't suck.

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