Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Lots of Lifting

Today's workout was mostly lifting, it was a pretty good one. We started with a warm up that was somewhat cardio, but not too killer. Then, front squats. I actually lifted 100 pounds twice! Not the best form, especially on the second one, but I decided I could count it. I got all the way down, and then back up. My back rounded a bit, but not too bad. I lifted 95 pounds for two rounds of two, form was much better on that one.

WOD: 12 minutes AMRAP
10 power cleans (I lifted 45 pounds)
12 back squats
I did 5 times plus 8 power cleans

A friend of mine and I were talking about The Very Bad Day coming up in January, and we decided to take the day off work and protest. There's a march on the Boston Common, they're having them in cities all across the US. I was going to go to a march the day after, on that Saturday, but somehow it seemed more authentic to protest as The Awful Event occurred instead of the next convenient weekend day. It will be my first political protest (is that bad?)  I feel a little better know that I have something to do that's constructive.

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