Wednesday, November 9, 2016

A Very Very Sad Day

We elected a new president yesterday. I'm so sad about it I can't talk about it, can't think about it, can't even acknowledge it. I feel like right after 9/11, when we knew something bad was coming, but there was an eerie quiet while waiting. Right now I think I may never look at the news or social media again. It's been so hard for me to get to this place in my life where I'm happy, I hope this doesn't fuck it all up. It's scary stuff.

I've decided to try to keep life the same as much as possible right now, keep doing things that are good for me (except that for dinner I had chips and guac and ice cream, so without complete success). I did go to crossfit. We started with back squats in sets of 3. It was a small class and I got my own barbell, so I was able to do a lot. I started at 65, then 85 then 95 then 100 for four sets!  It wasn't my highest ever, but I felt like my form was pretty good throughout, and I got stronger as I went through the rounds.

WOD: 10 min AMRAP
15 toes to bar (I did knees to chest)
20 wall balls
I did exactly 4 rounds

My mentee from Big Brothers Big Sisters is really into Strange Things, so I decided to watch it too. It's scary but good (and less scary than watching the news, let's be honest.)

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