Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Stanky Legs

Today's WOD involved a lot of running, a mile in the WOD and a third of a mile for the warm up. In the WOD it was broken into three loops of a third of a mile, the first one I did took me about 3 and a half minutes, which is about a 10 min 30 sec mile, which is OK I guess. I was puffing pretty hard!  First we did Power Snatches, 5 rounds of 3. I got up to 55 pounds, which I did for my last two rounds. I actually felt a little bit like my form was good for a few of them.

Stanky Legs WOD: 3 rounds
535 meter run
15 overhead squats (I did 15 front squats with 45 pounds)
my time: 15:56

It was supposed to have a cap of 15 minutes total. After, my legs did feel pretty stanky. Looking at the board, there were some people in the morning class who did the entire workout in about 10 minutes, which is faster than my running time! Wow!

Thursday the Admissions Dean is coming to Northeastern to talk to the students. I saw him today and was all, "we're so excited" to which he responded "yeah, I'm not coming." Funny.

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