Friday, November 11, 2016

More sad days

It's two days later and some of the acute anguish from the election has faded. The sick knot in the pit of my stomach is gone some of the time, I've stopped eating ice cream and carbs (mostly) and feeling numb. I still haven't been on social media, except to go through Facebook to make my moves on Scrabble. I haven't looked at the news in any form. I've been listening to Game of Thrones on my iPad in the car (because even stations that play music are going to talk about politics I'm sure) and so the only political shenanigans I've listened to are the Lanisters, Barathions and Starks. I was at yoga class yesterday, and the despair there was still palpable. My fav yoga teacher is headed to Costa Rica for a little bit, I hope he comes back.

I'm still trying to keep busy and active. Which includes crossfit, even though I considered not going today. It's Veteran's Day and I have a long weekend, I decided to get there early-ish, so I wouldn't have it hanging over my head all day. Once I finish this and shower, I'm going for some retail therapy. Might as well spend it, I don't think my money is going to grow over the next few years (I hope I don't look back at these words and regret them).

Since it's Vet's Day, we did a hero WOD:
Whittman - 7 rounds
15 kettlebell swings (I used the smallest one)
15 Power cleans (I lifted 35 pounds)
15 box jumps (I did steps)
my time: 20 min 26 sec

Whittman was 26 when he was killed by a roadside bomb. I hope we can avoid killing more people.

Tomorrow I'm going to try to get in another hike. Hopefully it will make me feel better.

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