Sunday, November 27, 2016

Bear Hill Tower

Even shorter walk in the Middlesex Fells, but I realized that I should also write down the length of this one. I wanted to take a walk again today, but I had put a turkey in the oven and didn't think I had time for the Rock Circuit hike, so I decided to do a shorter walk. I thought that a walk from the Sheepfold to Bear Hill Tower would be about an hour round trip if I took the road, and it kind of was! The walk there was more uphill, it took pretty much exactly 30 minutes. The walk back took 20 minutes. I think in the future I could take one of the trails back (as opposed to the road that I walked on) and it would be pretty much exactly an hour.

I finally got my new fitbit and it's totally awesome! Yay! I did way too much Black Friday shopping. I don't think I need to shop again until spring.

I only did crossfit once last week, which was pretty lame. On the other hand, I did do yoga, and yesterday I went climbing at Metrorock instead of to crossfit. I decided that was allowed, I need to get back into climbing! I don't think I will be able to do as much hiking soon, winter is coming. So, that will allow me to get back into climbing....

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