Tuesday, January 1, 2013

New Year!

I guess I will be in a new month now in the blog.  Hopefully I will be continuing through the year.  Went to the gym again today because #1 It's cold out, #2 It's still icy on some of the sidewalks and #3 It seemed like the thing to do on New Years.  It wasn't too crowded.  Yet.

I did 9 min / 1 min splits!  But the last split I just ran the entire 10 min.  So, 28 minutes of running.  I started slow and got faster for the first few minutes (but not walking) and got up to 5.5 mph.  Second split I did 6.0 mph, then the third I went back to 5.5.  Total distance was 2.8 miles I think.  I'm really suspicious of google maps.  5.5 felt like a nice jog, 6.0 felt pretty tiring (hence dropping back for the third split.)  No hills.  Do I really run faster outside?  I feel like I'm going at a crawl usually.

The gym is fricking boring!  Even with music and a TV.

Post Script: Holy Shit!  I just saw on the news that this couple in Australia is trying to run a marathon a day for the entire year.  And they are grandparents!!  I can't even imagine it: Forrest Gump meets Crocodile Hunter.  What if you just want to spend the day watching Mad Men?

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