Saturday, January 12, 2013

First 5K!

I did it the way I originally ran, doing down Medford St first so that I would have to run uphill at the beginning, like I will have to do in the St. Pat's Day race.  The whole thing took me 32 min and 48 sec, with 121 ft of elevation gain.  The race route only has 79 feet.  The hill profile on the race route looks scary on Map My Run, even though it's less elevation gain.  I'm going to try to run it before race day.

30 minute distance was about 2.86, which seems to be my pace for 30 min.  Maybe on race day, with lots of other people around, I can go a little faster.

I felt a little crampy from about min 12 to min 18, but nothing that I needed to stop for.  And, I've had sore knees.  The knees are going to be the thing.

I think a couple guys were staring at my ass.  They were latino, so it's not like it's a HUGE complement, but I'll take it.

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