Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Winter blues

Cold cold cold out!  So, I was stuck in the gym again. I was running for the first five minutes, thinking how hard it was, going just 5.2 mph, and wondering what was up, and did the extra day off just kill my cardio built up? Then I realized that I had accidentally set the incline at .3 and was running uphill. Dork.  In the end I wound up going about 2.7 miles, 20 minutes at 5.8 mph, and then slower at the end.

Oh, and I had tied my shoes too tight and my big toes went numb, but I didn't want to stop and loosen them because I would have to get back into the zone again.

I'm typing on the iPad today. You just tap and it senses. Keyboard is a little small for fast typing. But, it makes me think about typing class in high school with the manual typewriter where you had to pound the keys and advance the paper by pushing the carriage back. Ha, young me, look at how much easier life gets!

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