Sunday, January 6, 2013

Triumph outdoors!

I ran for 30 minutes straight outside!!!!!!  Go me!  It wasn't easy, esp the first 5 minutes, but it wasn't that hard.  A little part of me wanted to stop, but a much bigger part wanted to keep running and break the 30 min barrier, so I did.  According to Map My Run I went 2.9 miles, which is an average pace of 10:17.  I think I need to drive the route in my car, I'm not really convinced about the thing.

Keeping myself humble, there was a chick running waaay faster and I bumped into her twice on the route :)  But, I'm definitely passing people walking their dogs and talking on their cell phones, and not just people with geriatric dogs.

Not too sore after the run.  Still wore the knee things, left knee was a little sore and right hip.  I waited 2 days between runs, seemed to help.  Maybe if I try for 3 days a week my joints will survive better.

30 minutes outside with hills and all, never thought it would happen.

PS. Drove around with my car.  According to my car it's 2.8 miles.  Is my car wrong?  Do I really have a lot more miles than I think?  I did all right turns because I thought it would be closer, but there was a one way street that I forgot about.  I guess I'm going to have to start to believe google, I do about everything else.

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