Sunday, December 30, 2012

Snowy Day

I had to go to the gym and run on the treadmill today.  Downside = it's incredibly boring and it's pretty easy to stop at any time.  Unlike running outside, it's not like you have to get home.  Upside = I didn't wear knee braces and nothing hurt.  Shock absorbent treadmill is pretty great.  Also, you know just how fast you are going.

I started with a minute warm-up then one 7 min / 2 min split and then 8 min / 2 min splits.  I went a total of 2.57 miles.  Which is weird because for my second two splits I was running pretty fast (for me).  For the entire third 8 min I ran a 10 minute mile.  Maybe I should drive my route and see if it's the same as google says.  But then again, why mess with happiness?  I don't want to find out I'm running less outside than I think I am.

I'm going to buy a new scale and start tracking my weight in the new year.  I'm pretty sure my old one doesn't work well, that's gotta be the problem.

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