Sunday, January 27, 2013

Running strong

I have a thing after work tomorrow, so I thought it would be good to go a day early. It's still cold out, though not freezing, but I went to the gym. For a minute or so I thought about going outside, but then common sense kicked in. When I can see my breath, and it's windy, it's too cold. Maybe next winter I'll be tough enough? Really, if I'm still running next winter I'll be psyched, no need to worry about inside vs out.

I did 5 minutes warming up, then 21 minutes at 5.8 mph, before going back to 5.5 for the last 4 minutes. Total distance 2.82 miles in the first 30 minutes, total of 3.1 in 35 min. While I was running it didn't feel amazing, but it was ok, but I didn't want to keep at 5.8 for the last 4 min. When I finished it felt good. Knees are good! I've been lifting weights to strengthen my quads, maybe it's helping. How will I do that once I'm outside?

I was going to go to yoga too, but my fav teacher isn't there, and I went on Thursday. So, I guess I get to be lazy instead!

It gets harder and harder to think of subjects for these posts.

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