Thursday, January 3, 2013


I ran for a full 30 minutes today!!!!!!!!!  It wasn't fast, and it was on the treadmill which I had set at 0 incline, but I started at a slow jog and sped it up after a minute and again after 2 minutes to 5.5 mph, and I stayed at that speed for the rest of the full 30 min.  It was about 2.7 miles.  And it felt good.

My shins hurt a little bit, maybe need to take a couple days off and let them rest.  Not really painful, but enough to notice.

I left home thinking today could be the day, and it was!  It took less than 2 months for the first baby step.  From the weather it looks like I'll be inside for a while, so I guess the next step will be to do the same again a few times.  Then look to increasing speed and/or distance.  Maybe distance first, since I have to hit 3.1 for March?

Go me :)

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