Thursday, January 17, 2013

Gym days

I got a new iPad I'm now blogging using Siri! It says it supposed to recognize your voice better in time, I hope so. Maybe this will finally teach me to enunciate well. Because blogging and corrected auto spell is a lot of work. But not as much as running I guess.

Went to the gym because it's cold and dark out.  Also the knees are still sore.  Even with NCIS on tv it's seriously boring.  I ran 5.8 MPH for twenty minutes of my 30 minutes! Five minutes slower warm up, but still running.  And I was getting a little tired at the end. Still, I went 2.86 miles running. With the cool down, 3.1 miles. So, 5K in 35 minutes. I feel like cardio wise I'm getting even stronger, though I still have room for improvement. It's just the knees.

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