Thursday, January 12, 2017

I got nothing for subject

Today's WOD didn't look that hard, but of course these are always the most difficult. For once there was no rowing involved, just push ups, pull ups, sit ups and squats. I was looking at it, trying to decide if I should plan to go, and was like "can't really do push ups or pull ups, but there are more sit ups and squats." Sold!

WOD: 5 rounds, 35 minutes hard cap
20 pull ups (I used bands)
30 push ups (I used bands)
40 sit ups
50 squats
rest 3 minutes (I rested 2 min 45 sec)

I only got through 4 rounds. Didn't know it was a hard cap. Coach must have realized that he needed to get the next class going and he would be way over if he didn't stop us. I was a little sad because I think I could have done one more round and a little happy because I didn't have to :)

I went climbing yesterday and tried a couple 5.10's at Boston Rock Gym. I wasn't completely successful on them, but I was glad that I was at least trying them again. I've been climbing a lot more lately, coinciding with not hiking as much... My arms are killing me!

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