Tuesday, January 10, 2017

55 Deadlifts

I saw today's WOD and I wasn't at all confident about it, but yesterday had 55 burpee box jumps in it, so I had skipped it. So, today I really needed to get there. We started with hollow rocks, they are doing their hollow rock challenge - 10 this week, which I can do. Next week is 20, also do-able, and probably 30 as well. Beyond that, though, I may need to choose a different night than Tuesday.

WOD: 13 minutes max
55 dead lifts (I lifted 95 pounds)
55 wall balls
55 calories on the rower
55 handstand pushups
I did the deadlifts, wall balls, and 42 calories on the rower.

When I first saw the WOD I was like "I can't do one handstand pushup!" but then I realized that I probably wouldn't get to them. And, of course, I didn't. 55 is a lot of deadlifts, but I actually did them. I think my legs and abs will be killing me tomorrow.

After the WOD there was a "cashout" of 3000 meters of rowing with a partner. We were an odd number, so I didn't have a partner and just rowed about 2500 meters by myself (I rowed for 14 minutes. There was a 3 minute row in the warm up, plus the WOD made 30 minutes of active working out. Method to my madness.)

The "blizzard" wound up being only about 4 or 5 inches of snow. A decent cover, but not enough for snow shoeing.

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