Tuesday, June 28, 2016


I am resolved this week to go climbing on Thursday and to not do crossfit on Wednesday. Which meant Monday or Tuesday for working out. Yesterday I just didn't feel like it, even though it wasn't that horrible a work out. I was convinced that today would be full of burpees as payback, but actually it wasn't that bad.

First we did front squats. I did six squats at 85 pounds - two sets of three. Number three on both of the rounds was a little wobbly. My partner did like 100 pounds, and she was maybe 100 pounds. Hard core.

Today's workout included bear complexes. I saw a youtube of a bear getting into a truck through an opened window a couple days ago. I also read about a bear that mauled someone, and how they were tracking it down to euthanize it. The guy who was mauled didn't do anything, he was just innocently sleeping in his tent, with no food in it. Still, poor bear. That makes me sad.

Bear complex (I did level 1, 45 pounds)
x20 jump rope
My time 9:32

I was the first one done! Probably because I was lifting so little, and everyone else was doing double unders instead of singles. After I finished I did another 150 jumps to make it 1.5 the double under group.

After we did 3 sets of 20 sit ups and 30 hallow rocks. My stomach is going to be killing me tomorrow.

I believe that last week was actually my one year crossfit-a-versary! Of course, I did take a month off for Peru, and a week off for that conference, so I guess it would be next month...

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