Thursday, June 23, 2016


I was all excited today because crossfit was things I can, for the most part, do. And, there was a lot of rowing, which in theory I like. It was so hot in the box, and this was a super cardio workout. Yup, wanted to throw up again.

row for calories
box jumps (I did step ups)
kettlebell swings (I used the smallest one)
10 ring dips (I used a band)
my time: 22 min 12 sec

After crossfit I went to my garden. We have an infestation of bunnies. One plot that's a raised bed had three bunnies in it. They must have been born there, I don't see how they could have jumped up. It didn't look like it had the best bunny eats, they were just nibbling on squash leaves. I bet they already ate everything bunnies can eat. I put chicken wire around all the plants that I have that bunnies seem to enjoy. Fortunately they don't like tomatoes.

My boss told me today that I'm getting a salary adjustment! (Because I get paid less than I should. Boo.) So, I will be getting a raise, a bonus, and a salary adjustment. :)  No new title, though. Apparently to be assistant director I have to have someone to direct. Sigh. So, first we have to hire someone. I would like to be assistant director, but until then I'll take the cash :)

Saturday I'm going to try solo hiking a 4000 footer!

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