Friday, June 3, 2016

Channeling my inner bunny

Day 2 in a row of crossfit. Today's WOD was mostly weight lifting and lots of squats. We started with a 10 minute EMOM of squat snatches and then two overhead squats. On the last round I did 50 pounds! I did 45 pounds for 2 rounds, 40 for like 3, and the other 5 or so at 35 pounds. Coach said I was doing them well, and that she was impressed. I think she was being nice, but I'll take it!

WOD: 3 rounds
15 power snatches (I did 35 pounds)
20 thrusters
60 double unders (I did singles)
my time: 12:51

I tried to channel my inner bunny and do double unders, but no dice. I couldn't even do a single double. I'll have to come up with a better image. I was talking to this other woman, and she was wresting with the same dark thoughts that I often have about being last all the time, feeling like she doesn't get any better, and wondering why the heck she does crossfit. Good to know I'm not the only one!

I was thinking about bailing on todays crossfit and going tomorrow, but then I decided that tomorrow would probably be full of burpees, and I was right! 55 Burpee box jumps.  I would so be regretting that decision!

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