Monday, June 13, 2016

The Seven

I'm not headed off on my trip until tomorrow (so, if you are planning to rob the house, definitely wait until then). I froze my membership at crossfit for when I'm gone. But last night I realized that I froze it as of tomorrow, so today I could still go. Sigh. I really will have a week off now!

Today's WOD had lots of 7's in it, including 7x7 burpees. Yuck.

WOD: 7 rounds
7 pushups (supposed to be handstand pushups, but I did them with a band)
7 thrusters (I lifted 35 pounds)
7 knees to elbows (I did knees in the general direction of my stomach)
7 deadlifts (I lifted 95 pounds)
7 burpees (yuck)
7 kettlebell swings (I used the lightest one)
7 pull ups (I used bands)
My time: 32 min, 5 sec

I modified everything! Although I did probably do 20 real burpees, without stepping back but jumping (then falling on my chest instead of doing a pushup but, whatever). On my last couple of rounds of the band assisted pull ups I actually got the kipping swing going, and was flying up! I might be able to use the second smallest bands next time :)

I liked having all the variety with low reps. Except the burpees. That was painful.

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