Saturday, June 18, 2016

Therapy Chicken

The best thing at the conference is the birds! In the exhibit hall there was someone with a therapy chicken. It just sits there in its chicken box and you pet it and it clucks in a happy sort of chicken way. It was really soft and kind of endearing. I have always had a little bit of a chicken phobia, so this was good for me :)  The person who came with the chicken said that she is working to change chicken's reps, "one chicken at a time." I also got a tour of a veterinary school, which was pretty cool. The best part was the raptor center there. They have a huge rescue program for birds of prey, and the birds that can't be sent back into the wild remain for educational purposes. They had several bald eagles, peregrine falcons, owls, and a turkey vulture. So amazing to see them up close!

They had therapy dogs too. I think my boss should get a dog and bring it into work so we could have a therapy dog too.

Yesterday I was feeling gross from all the conference eating, and decided I would make my own WOD in the hotel gym.  I think I did OK.

Treadmill intervals, 1 min fast, 30 sec rest for 10 min plus warm up and cool down.
top speed: 8:50 min mile! (for a minute and a half)
total distance: 1.38 miles in 15 min
average pace: 10:50 min mile

30 sit ups on machine
15 thrusters (with two 15 pound hand weights)
20 sit ups
10 thrusters
10 sit ups
5 thrusters
I have no idea how long it took, but I'm guessing 10 min

Then I did some other stretches and such and left.

Today they had a Meet the Dean's fair. I networked! I talked to like 10 medical school admissions deans. And, they were all pretty good conversations :)  There's a poster session going on now, so I'm headed down to look at them - maybe one will spur an idea for my research!

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