Wednesday, June 8, 2016

The Damn Rope Again

Still can't climb it. Nope. No way, no how. Todays WOD had 6 minutes of rope climbing in it. 6 minutes! That's a long time to stand around pretending to climb a rope.

WOD: 3 rounds
2 minutes rope climbs
2 minutes wall balls
2 minutes rowing for calories
2 minutes jumping rope
2 minutes rest

Aside from the rope climbing bit which was just silly, I did 35 wall balls the first round, then 30 the second and third, for a total of 95 wall balls. Which is a lot. Rowing I did 10 calories the first round because I stopped to write down my wall ball number. Rounds 2 and 3 I managed to remember the number 30, and did 15 calories rowing. I increased my jumps on rope jumping, from 120 to 140 to 150!

They have this super in-shape chick teaching the Wednesday class. She's very nice, but expressed great sadness that she never got to climb a rope in elementary school gym class. Yeah, I kinda hate her.

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