Tuesday, June 21, 2016

GI Joe

It's officially summer! So nice that it's light out so late, and that it's warm. I actually had to put my AC in one day, it was so hot.  Today was warm and humid. Of course I thought about not going because it was hot and there was a ton of running, but then I went anyhow. We had a benchmark WOD today:

400 Meter sandbag run
20 Overhead squats (I did back squats. Overhead ones hurt my shoulder. I lifted 35 pounds)
20 Toes to bar (I did knees to chest)
200 meter sandbag run
100 rope jumps (meant to be double unders, but...)
200 meter sandbag run
20 toes to bar
20 back squats
400 meter sandbag run
my time: 14:41

WOD 2:
EMOM 10 min
100 meter sprint

The second one was almost harder than the first! It took me about 30 sec for each 100 meters. I was dead last for each round. Of course, 30 sec for 100 meters is an 8 min mile, but I did't run a mile all at once....

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