Thursday, December 13, 2012

7 min/ 1 min

I did 7 minute splits with a minute walking between them, sort of.  The first two were def 7 min, the third was 7 min, but there was a traffic light pause in there (not my fault).  And the fourth was a little shorter because I was running out of gas.  I'm getting so fat, I can't stand it, you would think my body could burn some of the excess.  But instead I just feel tired and want to eat grilled cheese.

2.67 miles, which is good.  Knee is sore, only a little in the cramps.  I think the insoles are helping!  I should just take it a little easier.  Which I could do easier if I would stop eating grilled cheese.

Side note, Adele = good to run to.  Some of the other songs on my playlist, not so much.  Gotta revise.

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