Friday, December 7, 2012

First Minute Feeling Like a Real Runner

Coolish, slightly rainy December run, but better than going to the gym.  Gave the knees the week off.  That will show me - no two days in a row running for now.  I'm giving the knees 6 months I decided, and then I'll assess if the running plan is really a good one.  I hope they will get used to it.

I did 4 min running/2 min walking today.  Weirdest, coolest thing happened for about a minute on the second  running jaunt.  I was breathing really hard, having a hard time getting enough air, thinking I might need to slow down or walk for a bit, but my legs just kept going.  It was like when you hit the gas pedal by accident in the car and for a sec you can't figure out how to make it stop.  I felt like a real runner.  Then my four minutes were up and this dude walking a hotdog that looked like it was 16 or so passed me.  But it was a nice minute.

2.5 miles.  I felt a little desire to puke salad towards the end.  Must let food digest.

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