Saturday, December 1, 2012

Jumping up!

I got a little overenthusiastic today, thought it was time to move to 4 min/2 min instead of day three of 3 min/2 min.  So, I actually ran for 20 minutes.  I feel a little bit like throwing up, a little bit like taking a nap, and a little bit triumphant.  It was tough, especially because there were some hills in there, but I did it!  For some of my running I think it's possible that one of the nuns from the rest home was trying to pass me.

Total run, 2.55 miles.  Knees don't hurt too much, but still I have ice on them.

It was snowing a little.  First run in flurries!  Other than a couple bridges where I was afraid I would wipe out on the downhill bits, it was pretty awesome.

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