Tuesday, December 25, 2012

First 5K!

It turned out to be more than a 5K, more like a 5.32K or 3.3 miles in 38.45 minutes.  And about 30 of those were running!  I should do it out on Map My Run to see how fast I was going there, but it might take off some of the buzz.  I did 7/2 splits again until until 27 minutes, then I ran for 5 minutes until the big downhill, walked down that, and ran the rest of the way home.

Right hip was sore, that's a new one, but at least the knees were ok.  I've got an icepack on my ass.  It was so quiet out, I saw like 3 other runners, a few people walking their dogs, and a guy smoking.  I hope the weather stays nice enough to run outside, because I think it's way better than inside will be when it's too cold.

OK, just checked, it's 11:46 min mile.  But that includes the walking parts.

Registration is opened for the Ras na hEireane and I tried to register last night, but it wouldn't let me for some reason.  Hope that's not a sign.  Wouldn't it be lame if I actually could run 5K but the damn thing wouldn't let me register?

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