Friday, April 28, 2017

PR! (Personal Record)

Today was a personal record day for me at crossfit, which I was pretty happy about after being so lame earlier this week. I got there a little late because on Fridays class is at 5 or 6, not 5:30. I left work a little early (we have a party on Sunday and I'm working for 3 hours, so I felt pretty OK about that) but still got there a few minutes late and missed a bunch of the warm up. They had us break up into partners, and so I went to look and see if anyone was partnerless, and this super cute 20 something boy was, so he was my partner :)  Clearly I should have done crossfit when I was younger. Anyhow, with our partners we alternated wall balls and stretching, and we did some rowing.

For strength we did back squats, and that's where the record came in. I got up to 125 pounds!  We did sets of 2. I started at 65 which was way easy. Then 85. Then 105. Then I started adding more slowly. I did a couple rounds at 120 and was thinking that was hard, but my form was still good and I could probably add more. So, I added another 5 pounds. And did 3 more rounds! 6 lifts at 125. Form wasn't perfect, but it was pretty strong for at least 4 of the 6. Go me!

WOD: 50-40-30-20-10-5
my time: 15 min 14 sec

That was level 1, the regular version started at 60 and went down by 10 for each one. I realized when I was at 30 calories and everyone else was finished rowing that if I did that I was going to be way behind. So, I scaled. I did 25 wall balls in the warm up, so that's 90 wall balls for the day. Sufficient.

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