Friday, April 14, 2017

Happy Passover

This week has been a little crazy! Monday was Passover, plus my new class started. I was chauffeur for the Sadar, I picked up my nephew after work and drove him to my sister's, and then drove my mom home after. My mom wouldn't let me have any wine. Harsh. Wednesday was a friend's birthday, so of course I had to go for drinks, and yesterday my friend from Mexico and her daughter were here. Which is my excuse for no exercise in so long. I was going to go to crossfit on Tuesday, but it was full of burpee box jumps and running. So, today I had to go - it's Friday and I hadn't been yet this week!

Sadly, more burpees. We started with deadlifts in sets of 5. I lifted 100 pounds, which isn't that much, but I lifted it 25 pounds, which I was happy with!

WOD: 4 rounds
1 minute rowing
1 minute burpees
1 minute kettlebell swings
1 minute rest

I did 11 or 12 calories on the rower, like 5 burpees, and then about 25 kettle bell swings each round. My total score was 133. Not amazing, but whatever.

After I read the WOD I told myself I could go easy on the burpees as a way to get myself to go. I wasn't really into it, but I did OK on the rowing and swinging.

Now I'll have to see if I can motivate for tomorrow.

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