Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Back to work

It was so hard to go back to work yesterday! I really wanted to stay on my couch and do nothing. But, bills gotta be paid, so what can you do? My calves were still killing me from the hike yesterday, and there were box jumps, so I decided today was a good day for crossfit. I was glad I did, I could do all but one of the parts of the WOD (ring dips, nope). And, my dean friend was there so I could try my Jedi Mind Tricks some more - no success yet.

We started with rowing 2000 meters for time. It took me 10 minutes and 7 seconds, which was the slowest time in the gym. Whatever, it was a good row.

WOD: 14 minutes AMRAP
12 power cleans (I lifted 45 pounds)
10 ring dips (I used a band, and was still lame)
12 calories on the rower
10 shoulders to overhead (again 45 pounds)
I did 3 rounds exactly

There's this giraffe in upstate New York that's very pregnant, her name is April and she's going to give  birth on giraffe cam. Maybe. I don't know, it seems like she just hangs out and eats hay. She's got a huge belly and was supposed to have baby giraffe a while ago. And of course I am addicted to giraffe cam now. But it's way better than watching the news.

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