Friday, April 7, 2017

Still can't climb the rope, but I fart in its general direction

Well, not literally, but the damn thing was taunting me again, so I should have farted at it!  Rope climbing. Vile. However, the rest of the WOD was rowing and deadlifts, so I decided to put up with the climbing nonsense for the greater good. I'm really glad I did. Tomorrow's WOD is a nightmare with partners, mile long sandbag runs, 80 burpees, and other awfulness. I wouldn't have been able to bring myself to do it.

Today's WOD was a hero WOD, for a fireman who was killed in Boston in 2014. Sad.

WOD: 20 min 14 sec AMRAP
33 calories on the rower
15 deadlifts (I lifted 95 pounds)
4 rope climbs (I farted in the rope's general direction)
3 times through plus 5 calories of rowing

This weekend it's supposed to be spring-like outside!  Monday and Tuesday it's supposed to be really nice, like 77 on Tuesday!!  I'm going to try to get in a long bike ride on Sunday. That's longer than the last one. And maybe with more consistent peddling. It rained all week, so it's probably still wet in the fells. One day I have to get some riding going there.

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