Sunday, April 23, 2017

Middlesex Fells Biking Fail

Today I decided that I would try some trail riding in the Fells to prepare for the off road riding in Africa. I was going to put my bike on my car and drive it over there, but I'm a little nervous about the bike rack, getting it to stay on my car and getting my bike to stay on the rack. I decided to see if I could just ride to the Fells. It's actually only 3 miles to get there by bike, so I thought, why not?  Well, Boston drivers.

It was so stressful, for a while I rode on the sidewalk! Then, I got there and realized that it's really more mountain biking than trail riding. My bike is fine for off road on a path, but not so much for the jagged boulders and such of a mountain bike trail (and me neither, lets be honest).  For a while I was pushing the bike on the trails which was #1 embarrassing and #2 not really the intention of the exercise. The one kind of interesting thing that did happen was that on the way out of the woods I almost ran over a snake. I'm going to have to find a different trail to try to ride.

Later I rode my bike to yoga and back. All in all, I think it was about 11 miles today, which isn't bad. There were a few hills involved. I wore the bike shorts (which we are apparently meant to call chamois) without underwear, but with tights under them. I felt a little sexy, but not really because they are like a giant maxi pad. It worked well, and my butt isn't sore at all!

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