Saturday, April 22, 2017

Winded Barbara

Since I had only been to crossfit once this week, and today is Saturday, I had to go. I was thinking about going yesterday, but there were tabata burpees and I just couldn't face it on a Friday evening. Today's WOD had a few things I'm bad at, but at least I could do with modifications, and no burpees.

WOD: Winded Barbara, 3 rounds
200 meter run
15 pull ups (this is level 2. I used bands)
250 meters rowing
20 pushups (I used bands)
200 meter run
30 sit ups
250 meters rowing
40 air squats
my time: 37:15

It was pretty brutal. It was kind of cold and nasty out, which made the running even less pleasant.

Today was the March for Science on the Boston Common. It wasn't as big as the Women's March, but pretty impressive still. The signs were the best part, the sound system wasn't functioning that well, so I couldn't hear everything in the speeches. I walked to the Common, but my friend gave me a ride back to my car. I'm pooped!

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