Saturday, April 2, 2016

WOD Fail

It's raining out today, which I thought meant that the running WOD would automatically turn into a rowing WOD. It didn't exactly, a lot of the people ran! It was so nasty and drizzly out, and there was over a mile and a half of running. I couldn't do it, I rowed.

The WOD was this crazy thing, with defined minutes, lunges with weights, toes to bar, and pushups, plus the running (rowing). People who were faster got more rest time, I got very little. That's so wrong!  I couldn't do the lunges right, and in the end wound up doing squats. I kept forgetting how many push ups I was supposed to do (band assisted, of course) and everyone was done with their round before I even started my toes to bars.  I'm not even writing it down - I didn't really do everything or keep track.

On the upside, though, I did really row almost 2 miles (1.957 to be precise). That's an accomplishment.

I stopped at H Mart on the way home and got some very Asian, probably very fattening foods. And, a little bottle of Bourbon for the next backpacking trip, whenever it is. When I got home I found out that someone had gotten my credit card number and tried to use it at Bath and Body Works, so they cancelled my credit card. There's a new one in the mail that I should get on Monday or Tuesday. It's like the fates want me to stop shopping already!

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