Saturday, April 30, 2016

Rock Circuit Trail

After many unsuccessful tries I finally did the entire Rock Circuit trail in the Middlesex Fells. There's a trail that you can take that makes the loop about half the size, and I always wimp out and take that. But not today :)  The trail itself is only 3.7 miles, plus another .1 mile to get from the parking lot to the trail (I could park in a different lot, but why?) so I don't know why I never seem to do it all.

According to my fitbit it took me slightly less than three hours. I took a couple stops for eating - an apple and a power bar. I have some oldish bananas at home, so I think now I will make banana bread. I mean, I can't be just burning off more calories than I eat!

Tomorrow is the party that we have at work for accepted students. Biggest one yet, we have about 50 people who say they are coming! The first year there were only 8 students, that was really lame. I hope I ordered enough food...

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