Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Another Fail

Another really bad Crossfit day today. I think it's because I had it in my mind that my Dean friend would be there, since it's Tuesday, and he wasn't. And it was a totally sucky WOD, full of things I can't do (though no burpees).

WOD: 2 rounds
75 Double Unders (I did 150 singles)
15 pull ups
30 wall balls
75 Double Unders
15 toes to bar
30 kettlebell swings
My time 20 min 30 sec

Everyone else (including this woman who looks like she's about 8 months pregnant) did 25 pull ups and toes to bar and 50 wall balls and kettle bell swings. The thought of doing 100 wall balls just did me in, so I did level 1. That allowed me to finish first, and then skulk off home.  Hopefully next class will be a good one...

We had like 4 inches of snow yesterday, which was crazy because all winter we probably had like 8 inches! I had ordered seeds from this online company, and the web site said that they would send them "just as they should be planted." They came in the mail yesterday, which was just silly.

Tomorrow I have my first class with the AMC spring hiking program. I'm going to learn how to backpack without a meet-up :)

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