Thursday, March 31, 2016

Mt. Major Again!

Since my hike for the weekend was cancelled d/t weather, I decided that I should get out today. I was going to go to Crotched Mountain, which is only an hour and a half away, but then I decided on Mt Major because I can go to the Kittery Outlets since they are only like 15 minutes out of the way. I got some super cute pants that I'm going to wear to work at Lulu (such an addiction, but they were $45 down from $185. How could I pass that up?) And, I got some boring blue pants at a little old lady/fat people store. But, whatever, they fit and were only $30 ish. Some of my pants are in really bad shape, I have to retire them!  And I got another pair of Tom's shoes, apparently my other obsession.

Kittery closes crazy early - 6 pm! And I got started a little late, 11 am. So, I decided to go to Kittery first because I wouldn't have time after the hike. While I was there I got really hungry, and so I ate these wonderfully awful fried clam strips and french fries. Yum!  I was feeling a little gross and tired after that, and decided that I could skip the hike. Once I got in my car, though, I just got off at the exit to Mt. Major. I mean, after eating all those clams I felt like I had to!

I was a little nervous about getting such a later start, it was around 3:45 when I left the parking lot, and there were a lot of other people finishing. But I had my headlamp, and I thought I would be OK. I was really glad I went, once I got started! It was very warm out for the season, about 70 degrees, so I could hike in just a t-shirt. Once I got going I started feeling pretty good. I took the Mt. Major trail up, and it was really nice! I can see why it's so popular. I think I've only taken it down before. The uphill parts had a great view of Lake Winnipesaukee, so whenever I needed to stop and breathe, there was a good view. After all my internal "I'm too tired to hike" it only took me a little over an hour to get to the top! Once up there, there were only two other people, who were very friendly. 

I took the longer route down, and that was definitely the way to go! There are a few steeper bits, but nothing like the Mt. Major trail. Also, there's a really nice ridgeline to walk on. I love a good ridgeline with a view! Total hike time was about 3 hours, I finished well before dark. I'm really glad I did it!

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