Thursday, April 28, 2016


I woke up last night at 4 am with the worst headache. I thought it might be a migraine, but it didn't totally feel like one. So, I took my meds and a hot shower. Once I got in the shower I was pretty sure that it was a tension headache, probably from all the damn wall balls!

I still went to Crossfit today, because I really liked the WOD. Or, at least, I didn't hate it. We started doing double unders for max reps, so you got two turns to try to do as many double unders as you could. We paired up in groups, so we could count each other's jumps. I was like "I don't think I need anyone to count to one for me." Then I wound up doing two! Double my usual. I had to do a single in between them. Small steps.

We did back squats next. I wasn't that excited about them because I thought they wouldn't help my back when it was hurting. I got up to 95 pounds, though, and I probably could have done 100!

It was a complicated WOD:
Tabata row:
20 sec on, 10 sec off for 4 minutes
I did 4 calories each set

7 min AMRAP
7 thrusters
7 power snatches
I did 4 rounds of each minus one

Tabata Jump rope:
20 sec on, 10 sec off for 4 min
I got between 35 and 49 each round.

Yesterday was egg salad sandwich day! Only one more AMC class next week. I'll mist the sandwiches. My first hike with them is the first weekend in May - we're doing Welch-Dicky. That's one of my favs, so I'm pretty excited :)  But, I guess I will have to bring my own sandwich :(

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