Saturday, April 16, 2016

Roller Skating!

Today I went roller skating for the first time in more years than I would confess in a public forum. It was so fun! I have roller blades around here somewhere, I have to dig them out. I forgot how much I used to love to skate! The only down side was that it was CRAZY in the rink. Like driving at rush hour in Boston, but they let 3 year olds at the wheel, and I have no idea how the brakes work. After, we all needed a drink.

I started my day today with Crossfit. It had a lot of rowing, so of course I was happy. There were a few guys who asked if they could run instead, because they like it better! Who knew anyone felt that way?

WOD: 5 rounds
500 meter row
4 rope climbs (ha! I did 6 pull ups instead, that was the lowest scaled option)
50 double unders (I did 100 singles)
10 front squats (I lifted 45 pounds)
rest 2 minutes
My time: 21 min 47 sec

After crossfit I went to the garden and shoveled manure for 20 minutes. So, it was a day of working out! As we were about to get on the highway to go home, there was this ice cream shop, so of course we had to stop and get some. Then I ate a huge plate of Pad Thai and had a beer. So, no worries that all this exercise will cause me to lose weight or anything.

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