Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Egg Salad Sandwiches

I was really lame last week and only did Crossfit once. My excuses are that my brother was here and we went climbing on Thursday, Wed I had my hiking thing (sandwiches were awesome!), Friday was Passover (Jews made it out of Egypt again, in case you missed your seder.) I was going to go on Saturday but it was this vile partner workout with 8 sled pushes. You had to run out to the sleds with a weight, push it 8 times, then run the long way back with your weight, with a partner. I couldn't get myself to do it!

Today's WOD was perfectly vile, but since I hadn't been for a week, I had to go.
50 wallballs
50 hang cleans (I did 45 pounds)
50 wallballs
my time: 10 min 39 sec

Before we did the WOD, we did lifts -
1 power clean
1 squat clean
1 push jerk
1 split jerk
every other minute for 14 minutes
I got up to 70 pounds.

My nephew had a little too much Manischewitz at the seder and almost took out one of my eyes. It was pretty funny :)

More sandwiches tomorrow! I should seriously make egg salad from time to time. We're also going to learn about backpacking, which I really want to hear about.

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