Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Rope climbing

It's just too much like gym class. I couldn't climb the damn rope then, and I can't now. I get the theory and I can hop up a couple climbs to start, but making it to the top is going to be a long journey. Figuratively, not literally. It's only 10 feet.

We did back squats today, and I got up to 85 pounds! Of course, the beany little woman who I was partners with started at 85 pounds, but whatever. I think that's a new record for me, though I have to check.

There were two WODs today, both killer.

WOD: 7 minutes
10 wall balls
1 rope climb (I did the thing where you sit on the ground and pull yourself up)

rest 5 minutes

7 minutes
15 Kettle bell swings (I used the smallest)
50 rope jumps

I did 7 of the first and 5 + kettle bells on the second.

The rope jumps were supposed to be double unders, but I just did singles. My singles are getting better! I can jump 50 without stopping.

I hope none of my republican readers are offended, but WTF is wrong with us? How can we elect Donald Trump?? He's a bully and an attention seeker, and I think he just wants to win, not to be president.  And do people realize he gets the nuclear button access?

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