Thursday, March 10, 2016

Where's the electrician?

My electrician blew me off today, which kind of sucked. I spent from 1-6 waiting for him, I called and got his answering service around 4 and nothing. I turn the light on in the bathroom and it's still dark. Boo. At least it was raining, and I did get 4 loads of laundry done, and started my last paper (wrote one page of 4-5 pages!) I was going to just spend the rest of the day on the couch, but then I decided that since I hadn't been to Crossfit yet this week I should go (tomorrow is the new Open workout and then Saturday it says "endurance". I didn't want to do both of those.)

I got there like 10 min late, due to procrastination about going and traffic. But, the coach didn't say anything like "get out!" Awesome!  We did jerks and push jerks for the strength portion. My partner and I started at 55, which I thought was probably going to get us to a place that I couldn't do, and I was right. I got up to 75 on jerks and 80 on push jerks!  For push jerks we were doing sets of 2 for 4 rounds, I started at 75, went up to 80, went back down to 75, and then back up to 80. So, I did 4 at 80!

WOD: 10 rounds
3 Clean and Jerk - I lifted 45 pounds
6 Pull ups - I used a big fat green band
time: 9:25

Then, cashout - 2000 meters on the rower, which took me a little over 10 minutes.

One of the coaches was distracting us with trivia during rowing, and I got two right - what's the most populated city in the world (I guessed Mexico City first, but then realized it had to be Tokyo) and what city links two continents, Istanbul. Everyone thought I was super smart and good at trivia. They've never seen me at Pub Quiz Night!

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