Tuesday, March 22, 2016


We started class with a "warm-up" where we jogged in a big circle while the coach played the song Roxanne, and every time that Sting said "Roxanne" we had to drop and do a burpee. I hate Roxanne, whoever she is.

We also practiced handstands on the wall. One of the coaches showed us how to gently kick up to a handstand. And I scared myself by getting my legs way up and almost actually doing one.

40 Bar Facing Burpees (YUCK!)
40 calories rowing
30 wallballs
30 calories rowing
20 toes to bar (I got my toes up about 3 times)
20 calories rowing
10 clean and jerk (I lifted 45 pounds)
10 calories rowing
my time 20 min and 5 sec

It was a big enough group that they divided us in half - everyone got a partner and then partners started on opposite things (my partner started with rowing. I wanted to get the burpees over with.) I finished and I saw my partner standing around, and so I went over and said "nice job" and gave him a fist bump. And he was like "I'm not done yet."  OOOOPS!

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