Tuesday, March 15, 2016


The most awesome thing happened at Crossfit today!!! At the end of the class we all write our scores on the board, and I noticed that the coach had called one guy "Dr. D." So I asked him if he was a doctor and he said "yes, a bad one :)"  So of course I said, "I work with premed students, if I was one of my students I would be asking to shadow you." He got this kind of funny look on his face and then was like "I'm the Dean of Admissions at the Medical School" like he kind of didn't want to go there, but then did.  BOOM! One of the few people I am kind of buddies with at Crossfit is the Dean of Medical Admissions!!  I did a little happy dance inside, that's for sure.

Otherwise, class was only so-so. We started with clean and jerks, 2 every 2 minutes. I got up to 70 pounds on my last lift, which I was pretty happy with. I should look at my previous numbers and see if I'm improving, I mean, that's part of the reason for the blog.

Then we did this rotating tortures WOD:
3 rounds, work 1 minute, rest 20 seconds:
  • Dumb bell cluster with push-up (which is an evil hybrid of burpee and dumbbell lift with a squat) - I did six each round, with a pushup on my knees)
  • Double unders - I did singles, 110, 119, 120 ish, not in that order. I did 100 jumps without stopping in the first round!
  • Toes to bar - I did knees to chest, with three attempts at the bar - 20 each round
  • Assault bike - I did 20 calories each round
  • Pistols - just like shoot the duck in ice skating. I did between 24 and 29 each round, but used a ring to assist.
I always feel like I'm sliding off the assault bike. I wonder if they make it that way intentionally.

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