Monday, November 30, 2015

There's something in the way on this lift...

Today we did power snatches, which involves hoisting the weight bar up the front of your body, more or less. Well, I got the girls there...ouch...oooch, I see nose bumping potential, but not with my nose. Not the best lift for me. OK first thing was a strength drill:
1 power snatch
1 hang squat snatch
1 overhead squat
EMOM (that's every minute on the minute) for 10 minutes. Other people were adding weight, I was just trying to remember which of the lifts we were doing. It was hard!  (I'm not good at squatting either, though I did use a squat toilet in Peru successfully, and considered it a growth experience.)

WOD: 21-15-9
Overhead Squats
Box Jump
I did 35 pounds for all the weight lifting and not really deep squats for the squats. A green band on the pull-ups, and they were pretty bad. But I did get the whole momentum thing going on a few pull ups. And, two green stools for box jumps (gonna try three next time.)  Time 12 min 12 sec.

Last week I only went once to Crossfit! I'm so cheap, I never do that, but I was feeling kind of crappy during the weekend. I think it was the stuffing. Now that I'm Paleo woman, I think the carbs made me feel bad. I have made it through my month! I'm going to try to keep up with the paleo thing for Dec, but add rice and peanut butter (almond butter is crazy expensive). I did cheat all weekend with stuffing and pie on Thursday, pie on Friday, ice cream on Saturday and Sunday. But I did say when I started that Thanksgiving was allowed.

On Friday I went to the supermarket and they still had a couple turkeys left( super cheap), so I bought one and cooked it up Saturday!  My first turkey that I cooked. It was super easy, and now I have turkey to eat for the next month or two.

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