Thursday, November 12, 2015

Carb flu

I've been down for the last week or so with the carb flu, it's been brutal.  Hopefully I'm over the worst of it now.  Amazing how awful paleo can make you feel.  All the websites say you just have to push on through it, which is what I've been trying to do.  Yesterday was Veteran's Day, and I confess I barely left the couch, I watched like 5 hours of my new guilty pleasure, Scandal.  My one thing on the agenda for the day was Crossfit, but I just couldn't bring myself to do it, so it's going to be a Thursday/Friday week for me.

Today's workout was supposed to be a timed one mile run, which I wasn't looking at all forward to, seeing as how I was going to be dead last.  Happily it was raining, so we got to do rowing instead!  Much better.  Of course, I was still last, so last that they turned off the music before I was done :/
(There was one other person actually who was on the same pace with me, so it was slightly less embarrassing.)

First we did the Clean and Jerk, and I was pretty happy with myself because #1 I kind of was able to do it right, without hitting my nose and #2 I lifted 65 pounds, which I was happy with.  But then I looked at the board and saw that most of the women were lifting twice that. Hmm.

Row 1000 meters
30 hang cleans (I really lifted 45 pounds this time)
Row 750 meters
20 shoulders to overhead lifts
Row 500 meters

It took me 17 minutes and 17 seconds.  I was pretty happy with myself because I usually wimp out on the 15 pound weights, and put 10 pound weights on my 15 pound barbell, but today I actually did the 15 pounders!  Go me!

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